VEO-XS by FERMAX: Hands-free and Slim Door Entry Monitor
Key Specifications
REF. 9408
VEO-XS door entry monitor is hands-free device which stands out by its essential design with reduced dimensions, allowing for communication in hands-free mode. Extra-comfortable. Extra-easy to use. Extra-small. Available in DUOX technology (full digital 2 wires intercom).
Color: White. Material: ABS with UV protection.
165 x 125 x 21 mm
Surface mounted
Power supply: 18 Vdc
Maximum estimated consumption:
- Standby: 30 mA
- Audio + Video (conversation): 310 mA
- Audio + Video with activated magnetic loop: 850 mA
Operating temperature: [-5º, +40ºC] / [23º, 104ºF]
Humidity: [0%, 90%]
OSD Screen:
- DUOX digital video.
- Size 4,3”
- Format 16:9
- Resolution:
* Hor: 480 Line TV
* Ver: 272 Line TV
Audio features:
- DUOX digital audio.
- 1 x 1W.
- Audio level adjustable during the operation.
- Totally hands-free conversation.
- Conversation privacy.
- Selectable ringtones.
Technology: DUOX
- 2 non-polarized wires.
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