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IP Camera, Intrusion Detection, Transmission, Security Services
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“ Future of network and systems monitoring” Interview on Dr. Albert Yeh, Vice President, Product Division in AirLive.
Source: AirLive
AirLive, one of the most advanced worldwide brands for networking and communication equipment, provides high quality/ performance and reliable total solutions and continuously devotes itself to provide the innovative products and solution to connect people’s lives across the globe. Recently, Dr. Albert Yeh, Vice President, Product Division in AirLive, discussed about the future of network and systems monitoring.

Excerpts of the interview:

Apparently when you return home, you need not even push the button in the elevator - the system recognizes you on the basis of IP cameras and automatically sets the floor target. Is that our future will look like?
At present, IP monitoring focuses more on recording and logging but in the future the use of cameras will be much more. It becomes intelligent solutions very soon which made to analyze the picture and sound, so that person can be correctly identified and the powers that preference will be running the appropriate actions. This may be the release for each zone in the work environment, or - what is a development example from my home - not just an automatic referral to the appropriate floor elevators, but also to prepare the apartment for the adoption of returning home by the running lights, appliances to include TV, coffee preparation or tea, or even bathing.

Already we observe that customers are monitoring kits are aware of the fact that the camera is only a tool, whose capabilities can be fully exploited by using appropriate software. In addition to technical capabilities, such as resolution and image analysis capabilities are becoming increasingly important.

Where is the boundary between the use of IP video surveillance technology for our convenience and security and surveillance where it begins and perhaps human rights to privacy?
Definitely, more and more are also contemplated the possibility of abuse of IP video surveillance technology. The answer to this is the appropriate protection systems, for example encryption of data stream, so that they cannot be intercepted and misused. Much depends here also on legislative action - there are projects monitored urban and reporting incidents to service providers, such as vehicles, or going against the tide in unauthorized parking spot. Technology creates many opportunities to use, how they are used depends on the people.

I think in the coming time, monitoring system will be autonomous robots that will not only observe but also to react to the events.

What about the present scenario? How to monitor the uses of IP sets are currently most popular?
Now, we are witnessing great changes. We enter the post-PC era, which is becoming increasingly important devices such as smart phones. At AirLive, we are working on the provision of cameras in many types of mobile devices, allowing easy access to data from virtually anywhere in the world. We are also working on increasing the capability of our software, which analyzes the capacity. You can monitor the number of customers in the store or the number of cars on the road, you can also assign the appropriate enforcement action - for example, sending an e-mail or text message - in case of diagnosis of programmed events. In fact, our goal is to provide solutions to users in the most convenient way.

Who is currently most interested in IP video surveillance systems?
Today, the biggest recipients are integrators who support institutions - such as schools and businesses - building monitoring systems to ensure the safety of students or employees. Mostly in government projects, such as monitoring the streets of cities and the immediate management of the police to intervene in the event of diagnosis of a crime. There are also increasing sales to individual consumers looking for easy ways to secure their homes. For each of these applications we have solutions and specialized accessories.

Earlier, you said that we begin to enter the post-PC era. Waiting for us a world where the Internet will be tens of billions of connected devices. Does this mean that there will be increase in demand for network equipment?
In post-PC era, many phenomena are affecting the shape of the Internet in the future. There is tremendous increment of smart phones, which translates into high demand bandwidth mobile networks. The 3G networks are not able to provide adequate width data stream. Already we can see that the biggest operators in the U.S. are moving away from the model of offering unlimited access to the network, such tariffs have proved too cumbersome to infrastructure. And yet, the demand for bandwidth will only increase, also due to the progressive popularization of services in the cloud. Already, you have to think about solutions that relieve LTE - as, for example, redirecting traffic to Wi-Fi hot-spots. LTE bandwidth alone is not sufficient to meet the needs of the market. Over such networks solutions work in AirLive. The reference is inter alia a new Wi-Fi standard, capable of delivering data at gigabits per second.

We have on offer for example, special bridges that will connect local resources with those available in the cloud, minimizing the needs for resorting to external networks when data stored there. In practice, these are routers with built-in storage.

What new devices you expected in the future?
The uses of Wi-Fi are growing every second. We are working on miniaturization, we have to offer the world's smallest Wi-Fi router that's easy to bring and use, for example in the hotel, where there is only a cable connection. The wireless network will use more and more devices, not just traditional computers and smart phones. In addition to standard network solutions, we also have an interesting wireless accessory, for example, led to a transmitter that allows business users to upload images to the projector with four independent computers without having to switch cables.

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