Product Ranges
Access Control, Transmission
Contact Us
  • JINCO Universal

  • Country: Taiwan
  • City: Taichung City
  • Address: 4F., No. 33, Keya Rd., Daya Dist, Taichung City, Taiwan 42881
  • Contact Person: James Chuang

Key Specifications

  • Anti-Theft: Authentication on card

  • Anti-Hack: On card fingerprint database

  • Anti-Bacterial: Only cardholder touches

  • Rechargeable or Battery-less

  • RFID\ISO-format\Optional Display

  • 13.56Mhz or 125Khz or even in Metal

  • Inlay format available for localized production

  • RFID, NFC for access control or Dual Interface

  • JCOP and Java for bank application

  • Login\Access Control

Biometric Fingerprint Card
Other Products
Biometric Fingerprint Card
Smart Label
On-Metal TAG
Epoxy TAG
Clear TAG ( sticker or not )
PVC TAG ( sticker or not )
Tag for Laundry Processing
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