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  • Milestone Systems

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Milestone rolls out next-gen channel program
Source: Milestone Systems
Milestone Systems, the open platform company in IP VMS, is rolling out its next-generation Channel Partner Program to their global network of distributors, resellers and system integrators. The new program makes it more fun, easy and profitable to work with Milestone. It emphasizes improved benefits for Milestone partners related to achievements in training and certifications, product knowledge and experience, and support capabilities. The program provides opportunities for higher margins, enhanced partner labels and boosted visibility.

"Our partners ARE Milestone," states Lawrence de Guzman, Director of Global Sales Operations at Milestone Systems. "We are focusing on serving them with easier tools, higher rewards and more differentiation in the marketplace. Milestone channel partners around the world are now able to choose even more flexibly how they want to do business with Milestone to create the best video surveillance solutions for their customers."

The next-generation Milestone Channel Partner Program shows its new face to the world on the company's website with an easy-to-use partner portal called "My Milestone," now with a Business Lounge section offering partner status updates, training and support options, tools for software license management and new administrative roles and rights. Milestone will continually enhance the portal to help partners grow their business.

Major changes are being incorporated to the Milestone "Where To Buy" section of the site to clearly show partners' status as Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond, with a new proximity-based map search function. The criteria for these differentiations go well beyond the traditional considerations in the industry that have mainly been based on volume of sales - other key partner attributes are now promoted.

"Milestone wants to lift the business process to the next level through highlighting and enabling the value that partners deliver to everyone involved in our video surveillance installations. For example, how many Milestone certified employees do they have? Can they provide dedicated customer support? Do they offer development and integration services? What is their existing versus new customer base, and what does this say about their engagement and reputation as a company? Long-term success is about the added value partners contribute and Milestone aims to foster that sustainability," explains Eric Fullerton, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Milestone Systems.

Lawrence de Guzman sums it up: "In 2013, Milestone aims to help our partners think bigger, act bigger and earn bigger with this next-generation channel partner program and market outreach."
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