Product Ranges
Access Control, Transmission
Contact Us
  • JINCO Universal

  • Country: Taiwan
  • City: Taichung City
  • Address: 4F., No. 33, Keya Rd., Daya Dist, Taichung City, Taiwan 42881
  • Contact Person: James Chuang

Key Specifications

* The whole independent RFID production technology
* Excellent and rigorous quality control
* On-time delivery with sincerity
* Matrix possibilities 2x5, 3x6, 3x7, 3x8–standard (special configuration on request)
* Thickness 470um - standard ( depends on chip module - MOA, MOB, MCC, FCP, customized modules )
* Operating Frequency 125KHZ 13.56MHZ 868MHZ to 2.45GHZ (combi on request)
* Materia PVC, normal PETG, high-temperature PETG and paper

Jinco Prelam - the Core Element of any RFID Smart Card
Other Products
Biometric Fingerprint Card
Smart Label
On-Metal TAG
Epoxy TAG
Clear TAG ( sticker or not )
PVC TAG ( sticker or not )
Tag for Laundry Processing
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