Product Ranges
CCTV, IP Camera, Transmission
Contact Us
  • Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co.,Ltd

  • Country: China
  • City: xiamen
  • Address: 11th Floor,A-06 Area,Chengyi Street,Jimei
  • Contact Person: Jonas Yang

Key Specifications
F8L10A is an industrial LoRa module that provides long-range communication, more compact design that is designed for many M2M/IoT applications. F8L10A adopts a high-performance and low-power consumption industrial Ali SoC embedded solution, makes it easily connect with Alibaba Cloud IoT Center. Also, it can customize for another LoRaWAN® protocols, compatible with analog & digital input or output. In addition, it has been widely used in the typical M2M industry application of the IoT industrial chain.
Four Faith LoRa WAN ® Module F8L10A
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