Buyer’s Guide to Select Facial Recognition Access Control Systems in a Post-COVID World
Buyer’s Guide to Select Facial Recognition Access Control Systems in a Post-COVID World
The most apparent change that COVID-19 has brought to the world is a fear of touch. The pandemic has made us aware of all the surfaces our hands encounter, and this has new implications for the security industry.
Buyer’s Guide to Select Facial Recognition Access Control Systems in a Post-COVID World
Date: 2020/06/03
Source: Prasanth Aby Thomas, Freelancer, a&s International
The most apparent change that COVID-19 has brought to the world is a fear of touch. The pandemic has made us aware of all the surfaces our hands encounter, and this has new implications for the security industry. All touch-based access control systems are now under scrutiny, and there is an increase in demand for contactless systems like facial recognition solutions.
Vendors worldwide realize this demand are rushing to come up with facial recognition-based access control systems. But as with most cases, not all solutions are equal. Some vendors can provide superior technology and reliability, while others are able to integrate certain innovative features unique to the current demands.

For systems integrators (SI) and end customers, this throws up a bunch of problems. First, there is limited time as COVID-19 continues to spread and decisions on what solutions to are high on the agenda. Second, there are just too many solutions out there for any SI to personally test and verify. In this series of articles, we explain the market demand for facial recognition-based access control solutions and present the top solutions currently available in the market to save you time and effort.

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