Siemens Building Technologies
Siemens Building Technologies
Product Info
Siemens Desigo Mass Notification
Siemens Desigo Mass Notification
Siemens Building Technologies
Region: Switzerland
Update: 2015/10/22
Key Specifications
Desigo Mass Notification is an efficient and flexible application that uses today’s most common communication technologies to provide notification functionalities to the Desigo CCTM building management platform ensuring that your message gets through to the right people.

Due to the Desigo Mass Notification system - in case of an emergency event – an incident event can easily be activated using internal and external triggers while the system provides divers supports like easy buttons, a dial-in, serial and digital inputs. Afterwards it can be chosen between multimodal notification methods such as text, audio, text-to-speech, pre-recorded messages, etc. and selected target specific zones, individuals, groups or devices. As a final step the operator can distribute targeted messages with multiple layers of communication – for example desktop messaging, facebook/twitter, SMS/text messages, signage - to reach all the people, no matter where they are and what they are doing.

• Easy-to-use, efficient and reliable emergency communication making sure to get your message through

• For a single building or a large campus – all the right tools provided and ensuring response to any situation with an appropriate message

• Making the most of your existing infrastructure by ensuring a high return on your investment

• Support to increase the overall process efficiency of your organization