Residential Security Market Faces Flat Growth, Says Research and Markets

Date: 2010/07/05
Source: Research and Markets

Research and Markets announced the addition of the "Home Systems: Home Security - Analysis and Forecasts" report to their offering.

This report provides an overview of the residential security market. It includes an assessment of the recent, current, and mid-term future market, consumer data on monitored security households, a review of dealer activities and challenges, briefs on selected industry players for equipment and monitoring, market forecasts for US residential security, and scenarios for the future, including potential catalysts and inhibitors to market health.

"Some industry leaders declare the security market to be recession-proof, but it is not in terms of acquiring new customers and avoiding higher-than-typical loss of existing monitoring subscribers,” said Tricia Parks, CEO of Research and Markets. “It may be recession-resistant. Its core customers are not leaving, and the industry has been able to raise its monthly fees by more than 10 percent since late 2007."