CSVision Deploys Mall Monitoring System in China

Date: 2008/04/14
Source: CS080414
[Project Description]

Foot traffic is high in large-scale malls. People can browse and purchase item seasily in a mall. This is convenient for the consumer to purchase goods, but it is also convenient for criminals to commit an offence. A mall used to send out security staff to watch out. While the amount of the people is increasing, the traditional way canˇt meet the security requirements of huge malls. Therefore, implementing a high-tech way for the security of a mall is necessary.

CSVision Mall Video Surveillance System implemented a real-time monitoring system at a mall. Its goal is  to discover the criminals ahead of time, effectively maintaining a good security environment within the mall. It records video to the storage server for later use. At the same time, the status of the cashiers and payment process is under surveillance. Cameras can also be installed at the entrance of the mall, via CSVision Mall Video Surveillance System, so people flow can be captured and calculated.

[Project Requirements]

  • 24-7 video surveillance to the daily business area within the mall and video browsing and storage, including, elevator, escalator, fire path, business section, special merchandise section, blind spot, entrances.
  • Able to manage outside perimeter status, install video surveillance system at the parking lot and the outer wall of the mall, managed by the surveillance center together with the business area.
  • Build up the video surveillance and security manage/coordinate room, install the TV wall and multiple PC video section.
  • Integrate the security precaution system and the fire alarm system. When there is a situation, the joint alarm can be fired up to 110 coordinate center, at the same time, multiple alarm situations can be responded based on the video in the surveillance center.

[System Description]
There were two phases for this project; both of them implement a video encoder full digital solution, all fiber connections. All the cameras distributed within the mall and along the perimeter are connected by fiber network to the surveillance center. In the center, 2 IBM System X3500 are implemented as management server, 2 IBM System X3200 for client end. The backbone network utilize HuaWei 3Come S100-26C-EI switch, 16 15ˇ LCDˇs for the TV wall.

[System Features]
  • No blind spot with in the perimeter, multiple video surveillance approaches which are easy to be integrated, easy to access to the security situation within the mall.
  • 400 routes of video transfer, 128 routes of storage implemented within one mall supported by a single server.
  • System can be extended to POS applications. Integrated with the POS cashier system.
  • System can be extended to Access Control system. Implement the identification technology into a mall security system.