Xbox motion sensors guard Korea?

Date: 2014/02/07
Source: Wall Street Journal
According to a South Korean engineer, Kinect may already be in use in the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the inter-Korean border.

The technology developed by Microsoft and Intel enables users to operate software for Microsoft’s main game console Xbox via body movement.

Ko Jae-kwan, the engineer, has modified the technology for military use as a motion detector. He says the device marks a significant improvement on conventional security sensors, which may sound a false alarm because of falling leaves or roaming animals.

A spokesman for Microsoft’s Xbox division confirmed Kinect was modified by Mr. Ko for military use, adding that the technology had sufficient accuracy for non-videogame applications.

The engineer says his hardware/software package was sold last year to the South Korean military through a defense contractor. The Kinect-applied device is able detect the shapes and sizes of people, animals or objects, as well as speed of movement, Mr. Ko said.

South Korea’s defense ministry said Thursday its surveillance system is equipped with a device similar to Kinect motion controllers but declined to comment further.

The 4-kilometer-wide (2.5-mile) DMZ was established at the armistice agreement of the 1950-1953 Korean War along the 250-kilometer inter-Korean wartime border as a buffer zone.