S'pore police launch updated video surveillance guidelines

Date: 2014/01/22
Source: Channel News Asia
The Singapore Police Force has rolled out an updated standard for the Video Surveillance System (VSS), and private building owners are encouraged to adopt this on their premises.

Second Minister for Home Affairs S Iswaran said this at the National Safety and Security Watch Group (SSWG) symposium and award ceremony on Friday.

Although the standard is optional, Mr Iswaran still urged private building owners to adopt the system as it has proven to be effective in solving crime and terrorism-related incidents, such as the Boston bombing incident last year.

He said: "This standard will provide private building owners with a uniform and consistent approach to the recommended specifications, installations, operation and performance of their camera systems.

"By following this standard, private building owners will be guided in their VSS implementation or upgrading plans, thereby ensuring sufficient security provisions and coverage of their buildings."