Korean firm eyes more infra projects in Brunei

Date: 2014/01/18
Source: Brunei Times
Daelim Industrial Co Ltd, a Korean firm that is part of the consortium that clinched the contract for the Sungai Brunei link from Kg Sungai Kebun to Jalan Residency in Brunei-Muara, is looking at other infrastructure projects in the country, company vice chairman and chief executive Hae Wook Lee said.

“It is an honour to do this project, and we will do our best to complete the bridge first. We want to have more projects here,” said Hae.

The joint venture company of Daelim, Swee Sdn Bhd, and TRC was awarded three-year contract for the construction of the Sungai Brunei link from Kg Sungai Kebun to Jalan Residency.

The 3-year project, estimated at $139 million, is set for completion in 2016.

“We are going to tender Jalan Residency soon for the road expansion to go into the 2nd phase, and a few major road infrastructures coming up,” said YB Pehin Dato Suyoi, minister of development.

According to the press release issued by the Department of Public Works (JKR), the construction of the bridge link is a RKN-10 (10th National Development Plan) project implemented by JKR under the Ministry of Development.
The bridge aims to relieve the traffic congestion experienced by the commuters at Mukim Lumapas.

This project is the first cable-bridge project undertaken in the country with a main span of 300 meters, and a 157 meter high cable tower. The bridge in its entirety will be 607 meters.

The project also includes the construction of two interchanges – one from Jalan Residency and another from Jalan Sungai Kebun.