Japan, ASEAN agreed to boost economic ties

Date: 2013/12/16
Source: The Malaysian Insider
Japan and Southeast Asian countries pledged to boost economic and security ties, a day after they agreed on the importance of ensuring freedom of the skies after China declared a controversial air defense zone.
Tokyo pledged US$20 billion in aid and loans to Southeast Asia at the summit with leaders of the ASEAN regional bloc, the latest step in its bid to woo global public opinion in its territorial dispute with China

During the talks, Japan and Myanmar agreed on an investment accord to accelerate Japanese investment in the former junta-ruled country, while Tokyo and Laos agreed to kick-start talks on a civil aviation agreement.
"We will continue to provide support, both at the public and private level, for infrastructure building initiatives and work toward Myanmar's development," Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said after meeting with Myanmar's President Thein Sein.

Meanwhile, Abe and Laotian Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong agreed to start negotiations for a civil aviation agreement that would pave the way for direct flights between Laos and Japan, officials said.
With Cambodia, whose economy is heavily reliant on China, Japan is also expected to discuss an aviation treaty and further exchanges of defense officials, officials have said.