Smart IoT Indonesia 2019 ready to unveil latest IoT trends

Date: 2018/12/19
Source: Smart IoT Indonesia 2019
IoT concept which is known as Internet of Things is becoming well-known both in Indonesia and globally. By applying this concept in life, all activities will become more efficient and automatic. According to a survey from Asia IoT Business Platform in 2017, only 11.8% of businessmen whom implemented IoT in their business and only 5.1% getting advantages from the implementation.

Many business people are reluctant to implement IoT though they understand that IoT will bring them great benefit. This is caused by expensive costs, security issues, the incompatibility with old system, complicated system and the unprepared human resources regarding IoT.

Doni Ismanto Darwin as Chief in Editor IndoTelkom says," IoT will become one of the backbones adopted from industry revolusi 4.0 in Indonesia.”

Teguh Prasetya, Chairman of Indonesia IOT Association, said that IoT has transformed Internet of Everything in every economic aspects in Indonesia. He even predicted in 2025 that 70% of State Budget (APBN) will be supported by industries which has implemented IoT.

"Indonesia IoT market in 2022 is predicted to reach IDR 444 trillions and in 2025 will become IDR 1,620 trillions. Until recently there are 250 companies which implemented IoT and have grown and invested in that concept. We are left behind in 2G till 4G, don’t let it happen with in IoT too as the market is still huge in this industry," Teguh continued. 

As part of the economic masterplan, Indonesia is working in becoming ASEAN's largest digital economy. By 2019, 20% of local and regional governments in Indonesia will implement IoT in many infrastructures like roads, street lights, traffic signals into assets rather than liabilities, which was predicted by International Data Corporation. 

Smart IoT Indonesia provides a platform for cloud service providers, telecommunication companies, and wearables. The Exhibition will be held at Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO) Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia from April 04 – 06, 2019 under Smart Home+City Indonesia 2019 altogether with SecurityTech Indonesia, Cyber & Cloud Security Indonesia, Data Center Indonesia and Big Data Indonesia 2019.
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