Howdens Joinery selects IoT solutions from Cloud of Things powered by DSP Group’s ULE technology

Date: 2017/09/06
Source: John Liu
At the IFA 2017 electronics trade show, DSP Group and Cloud of Things together launched a family of IoT gateways featuring ultralow energy (ULE) support. The joint solution has been selected by UK’s Howdens Joinery to facilitate their innovative connected kitchen initiative.

The integrated ULE technology provides Howdens with greater range coverage, which is especially important in the UK, where building structure and material have proven to be especially challenging for connected products.

The Cloud of Things’ IoT Gateway integrates its DeviceTone connected device management solution to deliver a secure, managed edge computing solution for IoT that simplifies development, increases flexibility and shortens time to market.

Native ULE support ensures longer range connectivity, one-button setup, more security, and integrated two–way voice support and delivers instant out-of-the-box compatibility between the Cloud of Things IoT Gateway and a wide range of IoT products.

“The integrated DeviceTone solution from Cloud of Things makes configuration, deployment and management simple and fast, while native ULE support guarantees range and link fidelity while ensuring compatibility with hundreds of products out-of-the-box,” said Glen Isaacs, Director of Innovation and Strategy at Howdens.

Tali Chen, Corporate Vice President of Corporate Development & Chief Evangelist at DSP Group said, “We are very excited to work with two market leading companies to deliver best-in-class IoT solutions. Together we are truly shaping the future of IoT at home using our proven ULE and DECT technologies together with Howdens’ leadership in the smart kitchens and Cloud of Things’ best-in-class IoT management systems.”

DSP Group’s ULE solution is based on its DHAN-S module which uses the DHX91 chipset and is designed to work easily with even the smallest smart home nodes. The module serves as either a wireless connectivity channel for applications running on an external microcontroller unit, or as a standalone solution with the DHX91 internal ARM926 processor for smart device hibernation features.

All this allows IoT applications to benefit from long battery life, which can allow battery-operated devices to run for years, as well as advanced functionality compared to most smart devices on the market.