Geutebrueck software features for improved security and rights management

Date: 2017/04/19
Source: Geutebrueck
At the beginning of April, Geutebrück released the new software versions of the G-SIM security management system and the G-Core video engine. These include a number of useful features for various application scenarios.

The new G-SIM version by Geutebrück provides the user with extended rights management features. The user can grant access to recorded images for a limited time only, such as only for the last two hours. Furthermore, the rights holder can decide whether other users can see images only once they have entered a comment. As part of an audit, this process is logged and can thus be verified at a later time.

There are also new features for the control of movable cameras: A higher-level user can grant or withdraw the rights for the control of one or more cameras during the system's runtime from a user assigned to them. This feature is useful for large events, for example, as it allows you to respond quickly and flexibly to spontaneous situations and incidents.

The new Edge Recording feature ensures continuous recording if the connection between the network camera and the recording server is disrupted. To this end, an in-camera SD card will be used in parallel to the recording on the server. If the camera loses the connection to the server because of a network or server breakdown, the image data will still be recorded onto the memory card. As soon as the connection between the camera and the server has been restored, the image data are automatically transferred from the SD card to the server and are once again fully available for transparent research and image reproduction. If several cameras lose their connection at the same time, users can adjust settings in advance to prevent overload. Edge Recording was implemented in accordance with the specifications of ONVIF Profile G, and it is available both as part of the ONVIF camera plug-in by G-Core and for the cameras of the E3 series by Geutebrück.
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