Boluda uses Fluidmesh point-to-point devices for terminal operations

Date: 2016/12/28
Source: Fluidmesh
Boluda Corporation is one of the leaders in global maritime services. The Boluda Corporation handles bulky freight operations as a terminal service, that is, the containers from ships are brought to port and further mainland areas by Boluda’s STS (Ship to Shore) cranes.

In the ports of La Luz and Gran Canaria, there are bound to be days when ship to shore coordination is required to be as efficient and fast as possible. Consequently, following the slow function of terminal operations from identifying containers to coordination of their destinations within the port and outside destinations, there appeared the need for a system and devices that would enable faster, effective and clear communication by personnel which is expected to translate to more efficient logistical terminal operations.

Credible and thorough research by Securitas, leading company in security services and solutions in Las Palmas, revealed that use of camera and radio equipment would profit the port corporation by saving time and money due to mistakes. The system was created by a series of PTZ cameras mounted on the STS cranes and connected in point-to-point wireless topology. In this way, the camera is operated in the control room and is able to read ID PLATES from containers directly, designating its precise destination immediately with a straight process.

Fluidmesh FM1200 VOLO (capable of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections) radio devices are placed on the cranes, base stations (FM3200 BASE) for point-to-multipoint communication are on the poles and the aggregate traffic is transmitted to the control room through a point-to-point high bandwidth link based on FM 1300 OTTO. A combination of these devices ensures faster, effective and crystal clear communication and recording. The arrangement of these devices according to their operation specific sequence makes Fluidmesh radios the best selection for such wireless point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communication needs on unlicensed bands. Fluidmesh radios proved to be efficient in replacing the old method of container identification, allowing real-time response of the PTZ cameras thanks to extremely low-latency of the radios.

The system is running smoothly with much more efficiency and with a significant reduction in the number of errors experienced, resulting in more productivity and satisfaction of the personnel using the system. This allows an improvement of logistic terminal operations due to the smooth coordination on the logistical supply line.
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