Jieshun showcases speedy pedestrian gate

Date: 2015/04/30
Source: William Pao, a&s International

Jieshun, based in Shenzhen, is demonstrating what it says is the world’s fastest pedestrian gate.

“Once the user points his card at the system, the gate opens in 0.5 seconds,” said Janson You, overseas marketing and technical support manager. “We are the fastest in the world.”

At the same time, the system has an aesthetic look and feel. “The width of each pedestal is narrow. The narrower it is, the better it looks,” You said, adding enterprises and other commercial settings can especially benefit from it.

Also, Jieshun is showing other access control solutions at this year’s secutech. These include parking systems and pedestrian gates for factories.

For the latter, there is a sensor in front of the gate detecting whether someone’s feet carry dust. If so, access will be denied. The system is also integrated with a facial recognition system that denies entry to non-workers.

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