Smarter Security optical turnstiles selected by Marine Services Company

Date: 2014/08/20
Source: Smarter Security

Smarter Security, Inc., provider of entrance control and outdoor security solutions, announced a marine services company in the southwest recently chose Fastlane Glassgate 150 optical turnstiles to secure its corporate headquarters. New executive management is leading change to increase accountability, which includes securing the building entry, and Smarter Security prevailed over two competitors to be part of the change.

“With the variety of threats present today, this organization made a smart decision to secure its headquarters employees with optical turnstiles, and we are excited they chose Fastlane,” said Jeff Brown, CEO of Smarter Security. “Glassgate 150 is our fastest-selling model this year and has been embraced by organizations all across the country. As is true with the vast majority, this customer will also be using our unique Site Certification & Training service that helps ensure a smooth start and leads to years of reliable operation.”

The customer ordered six lanes of Fastlane Glassgate 150 from Smarter Security to control access to the 2 elevator banks. By requiring employees to badge out as they exit the building, the organization is also able to track who is in the building at any given time. The customer chose Glassgate 150 for the high security and great value, and because the elegant design accentuated the beautiful aesthetics of the building lobby. Smarter Security also provided Fastlane Floor Protectors which eliminate the work and expense in coring the floor for cable runs. This allows the customer to preserve the beauty and integrity of the unique stone floor.

Smarter Security's Fastlane Glassgate 150 is the entry-level speedgate in the Fastlane line, featuring waist-high swinging glass barriers and open pedestal sides. These aesthetics provide an open feel for building lobbies, and the fast-moving barriers allow convenient access by employees. Intelligent Fastlane optical technology secures the entrance by alarming intruders that push through the barriers or tailgate behind an authorized user. Glassgate 150 is an IP turnstile, and customers can use Fastlane Connect to easily and cost-effectively manage and assess the lane.