Hitachi America, and Medibase Solutions announced that an Ohio health system with two hospitals is using Hitachi’s finger vein authentication, which incorporates Medibase’s identity management technology to help ensure accurate patient identification. Initially, the Ohio health system plans to deploy Hitachi’s SDK and finger vein scanners in the Emergency Departments of both hospitals. This Ohio health system currently uses Medibase’s identity management products to aid in positive patient identification. The new biometric solution will be integrated into the health system’s existing registration processes to enroll new patients and to authenticate returning ones. The integration represents the logical next step toward improving the patient enrollment and identification processes, and it demonstrates the health system’s commitment to ensuring patient safety and privacy.

Hitachi and Medibase Biometric Solution Streamlines Patient Verifications at Ohio Hospitals

Date: 2010/07/08
Source: Hitachi

Hitachi America, and Medibase Solutions announced that an Ohio health system with two hospitals is using Hitachi's finger vein authentication, which incorporates Medibase's identity management technology to help ensure accurate patient identification. Initially, the Ohio health system plans to deploy Hitachi's SDK and finger vein scanners in the Emergency Departments of both hospitals. This Ohio health system currently uses Medibase's identity management products to aid in positive patient identification. The new biometric solution will be integrated into the health system's existing registration processes to enroll new patients and to authenticate returning ones. The integration represents the logical next step toward improving the patient enrollment and identification processes, and it demonstrates the health system's commitment to ensuring patient safety and privacy.

“We're very committed to privacy/security and feel that utilizing finger vein authentication can play a key role in ensuring patient safety and privacy” said the IT Manager for the Ohio health system.

In order to be compliant with the Identity Theft Red Flag regulations that are part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act, the FTC requires health care providers to implement a solution to ensure patients are diagnosed and receive proper care and verification that their medical records have not been compromised.  Providers are also required to secure patients' medical records to prevent identity theft. The Ohio health system's improved patient registration and identification process using finger vein authentication helps them comply with these requirements.

Medibase's solution using Hitachi's finger vein authentication technology links the biometric signature with patient demographic data to quickly and accurately identify new or returning patients. Linking the biometric signature with EMPI data enables accurate patient identification, prevents identity theft and helps ensure patients are correctly diagnosed and cared for because the integrity of their medical records.

Lew Iadarola, Manager, VeinID Sales for Hitachi said, “We are excited to be working with Medibase to promote the use of finger vein authentication technology. This technology represents the logical next step in privacy protection and personal safety innovation.”

“Joining Hitachi's finger vein authentication with EMPI identity management enables clients like the health system in Ohio to safeguard patient safety and identity and comply with FTC requirements in a nonintrusive manner," said Philip Gardner, Medibase VP of Sales and Marketing.