Niscayah Offers New Business Model for Security
Niscayah Offers New Business Model for Security
Niscayah's ground-breaking system and support rental option, Lease-Sure, gives customers in the United Kingdom more flexibility.

Niscayah Offers New Business Model for Security

Date: 2009/03/06
Source: a&s International

Niscayah's ground-breaking system and support rental option, Lease-Sure, gives
customers in the United Kingdom more flexibility.

In response to increasing needs for low-cost security measures, security and fire safety specialist Niscayah designed a range of system and support rental options branded as Lease-Sure, available to users in the United Kingdom. This flexible financing allows customers to procure and install a system, while having the option of having it maintained and managed, all on a fixed price repayment schedule. The schedule can be adjusted, according to client needs, to continuously upgrade security technology.

"We have designed Lease-Sure,” said Syd Heals, COO of Niscayah Commercial Security and Fire U.K., “with the aim of attracting organizations that wish to obtain optimum flexibility in remaining future-proofed with respect to their security and fire protection needs, while also demonstrating astute cash management.”

Niscayah's choice to launch Lease-Sure stemmed from a desire for customers to be able to easily access the security and fire protection systems they require today. Niscayah's expected clientele includes both small and large organizations, which have a need for a security partner who provides more than sales and installation services. Due to the flexibility and benefits of this plan — including tax efficiency, lessened strain on working capital and maintaining existing credit lines — Lease-Sure applies to many organizations seeking up-to-date security systems and cost-cutting solutions.

Why Lease Security Equipment

This development takes customers' business and sales processes into consideration, and makes full training available to all sales operatives. Niscayah's Lease-Sure differs from competing financing offerings in that they work with a finance partner, rather than a supplier.

This gives Niscayah hands-on support from its finance partner, including proposals, sales, and training and management information, which would conceivably benefit users. “Niscayah can cover all aspects of a user's system, including system management and operation support, within the initial agreement,” Heals said. Also included, to enhance user experience and convenience, are service, maintenance, and remote monitoring and management, all of which are crucial for smooth operations.

Niscayah's total package is designed to minimize financial concerns or administrative difficulties users may have, while maximizing users' ability to remain futureproofed where security and fire protection needs are concerned.

Strategies such as Lease-Sure will have an impact on the security industry, especially in light of the downturn in the global economic climate. End users not wishing to spend so much at once on elaborate security systems may find rental options more appealing and cost-effective.