Exploring pharma security use cases worldwide
Exploring pharma security use cases worldwide
Security in the pharmaceutical segment is not limited to manufacturing plants and storage segments. Solutions are necessary to protect assets up until they reach the hands of the customers.

Exploring pharma security use cases worldwide

Date: 2019/09/12
Source: Prasanth Aby Thomas, Consultant Editor
Security in the pharmaceutical segment is not limited to manufacturing plants and storage segments. Solutions are necessary to protect assets up until they reach the hands of the customers. When Axis Communications was asked to secure TongRenTang Health Pharmaceutical in China, there were several factors to consider.

What was needed

“The management of Beijing TongRenTang Health Pharmaceutical wanted to create a visualized management for staff office and security monitoring after office hours,” the company said on its site. “In order to achieve that, the project required an integrated digital video security system that is reliable and easy to operate. At the same time, it had to be comprehensive and expandable.”

As a result, the visualized management platform has very high requirements for image quality, compatibility, stability, and reliability. The main requirement of the system was to monitor locations such as elevator cars, office areas, elevator lobbies, main exits, meeting rooms, corridors, parking lots and various major stores.

What was provided

Working with Beijing Videocomm and its integrated visualized management platform, the “Catcher”, Axis chose an integrated network system with 150 cameras connected by internet cables to the local area network inside the building, with a back-end management platform doing centralized management.

“Axis network video cameras directly transmit digital video images based on IP networks (LAN/Intranet/Internet),” Axis explained. “Users can browse high-quality real-time monitoring images of resolutions up to 800x600 from any network computer anytime and anywhere. Visualized management is achieved, and system diversity is increased. A brand-new monitoring network has been constructed in a simple and flexible manner, with great expansion qualities.”

Solutions used

Axis used several different camera models for this project. They were selected depending on the requirements of the location in which they were installed.

Fixed dome network cameras we used in the office areas. In the elevator lobbies, low illumination SVGA resolution dome cameras were installed. The same was installed in the exit and corridor areas. The parking lot, which is often a place where cameras struggle with low light conditions, another model with a low illumination feature was used. Finally, in the meeting rooms, fixed dome cameras were set up.

“The central management server installed the “Catcher” integrated visualized management platform for the centralized management of all the network video cameras, encoders and various system modules inside the whole system,” Axis noted. “They have also a storage server for the management of video recordings that supports many modes of video recording and retrieval modes. A streaming media server is used to increase concurrent streaming of the equipment and to save bandwidth.”

Potential to scale up

One of the major concerns while securing a place such as a pharmaceutical company is the possibility of more cameras being needed in the future. This requires the solution to be open to integrate devices. Axis’ solution provides this option. Regardless of more cameras needed at the same location or remote locations, they can be integrated into the core network via the internet.
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