HID caters quality and value to Indonesia
HID caters quality and value to Indonesia
Having the expertise in providing security and identity management solution to mid- to large scale projects, HID Global is confident that Indonesia is a buoyant market demanding for such expertise from government to enterprises. For example, the government is eagerly upgrading infrastructures such as airports and se

HID caters quality and value to Indonesia

Date: 2014/01/24
Source: Ariel Chao, a&s Asia
Having the expertise in providing security and identity management solution to mid- to large scale projects, HID Global is confident that Indonesia is a buoyant market demanding for such expertise from government to enterprises.

For example, the government is eagerly upgrading infrastructures such as airports and seaports to boost regional trade and tourism. With a reliable multilayered access control solution, risks of intrusions can be minimized while the business operation efficiency enhanced.

One particular industry HID focuses on is the banking industry. HID offers decentralized card printing technology for each branch office of a bank, so that secured card printing will be done locally without being processed from the Jakarta headquarters, saving lots of unnecessary expenses and waiting time.

HID has a long presence in Indonesia through local distributors. Considering the importance of this vast market, HID has then dedicated a local team in Indonesia since 2 years ago to better service the market for visitor access management and secure card printing among others.

According to Adrian Sutikna, Sales Manager PACS/ LACS, Indonesia, HID Global, the local team has an important task of educating the market. He said that “Indonesia is a price sensitive market, and it is our responsibility to let the market know what features set us apart from others, not just the initial investment cost, but the scalability, product life cycle, maintenance, interoperability, and more.”

Sutikna added, “when it comes to large scale projects that are owned by government or foreign investments, there is a good appreciation for high secure solutions.”