NRMA Insurance launches Facebook game to promote home security
NRMA Insurance launches Facebook game to promote home security
With its new Facebook game, 'LOCK-A-DOOR,' Australian insurance company NRMA Insurance is taking a fresh approach to promote home security and to engage potential customers. The simple message in the NRMA Insurance Facebook game is that even if a policy holder forgets to lock a door to their home, their NRMA insuran

NRMA Insurance launches Facebook game to promote home security

Date: 2013/12/09
Source: NRMA Insurance
With its new Facebook game, 'LOCK-A-DOOR,' Australian insurance company NRMA Insurance is taking a fresh approach to promote home security and to engage potential customers.

The simple message in the NRMA Insurance Facebook game is that even if a policy holder forgets to lock a door to their home, their NRMA insurance policy will still cover them.

Of Facebook's more than 500 million members, approximately 53% use the platform to play social games. Not only is it the world's biggest social media site, it is now also the world's largest social game site.

Players needs to score as many points as possible, which is achieved through locking doors. To lock doors, the player simply "matches" three doors by clicking on them. It's a race against time though: the player also needs to lock as many doors as possible before the timer runs out. The better the player becomes at locking doors, the harder the game gets.

People considering taking out a new home insurance policy can also easily get a quote by clicking a button found on the game's start page.