Genetec names George Moawad as Australia-New Zealand Country Manager
Genetec names George Moawad as Australia-New Zealand Country Manager
Genetec announced that it has appointed George Moawad as Country Manager for the Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) market. In his new role, Moawad will lead Genetec business growth and nurture expanding market opportunities for the company in the region.

Genetec names George Moawad as Australia-New Zealand Country Manager

Date: 2018/12/17
Source: Genetec
Genetec announced that it has appointed George Moawad as Country Manager for the Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) market. In his new role, Moawad will lead Genetec business growth and nurture expanding market opportunities for the company in the region.

Moawad joined Genetec in May 2018, bringing with him over 22 years of experience in the security industry. As the Regional Sales Manager for the ANZ market, he helped drive sales across the region, resulting in exponential YoY growth. Prior to this, Moawad served as Vendor Business Manager and General Manager Northern Region for Hills Limited, the exclusive value added distributor for Genetec. In these roles, he was responsible for the Genetec portfolio for the ANZ region, allowing him to gain valuable knowledge about the regions' unique security needs.

 “The security market in Australia and New Zealand continues to grow at an exponential rate, and as Genetec deploys more resources to expand our footprint across the region, it is an exciting time to lead the Australia-New Zealand team,” said George Moawad, Country Manager for Genetec in ANZ. "Alongside Hills Limited, I am excited to continue to bring innovative, unified physical security solutions to our customers across the region.”

"We are pleased to appoint George Moawad as Country Manager for Australia-New Zealand. His work with Hills and Genetec has been instrumental to existing sales growth and places him in the right position to tap into growing market opportunities,” said Daniel Lee, Managing Director for APAC. "He is a high performing leader who embodies the skills, dedication and innovative spirit that has made Genetec successful and that will continue to drive forward our ambitious growth plan for the region," added Lee.
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