ThroughTek offers secure cloud solution with artificial intelligence
ThroughTek offers secure cloud solution with artificial intelligence
ThroughTek's flagship service, the Kalay Platform, supports continuous video streaming and real-time data analytics. It leverages point-to-point technology to enable live video transmission and help businesses save on operating costs.

ThroughTek offers secure cloud solution with artificial intelligence

Date: 2018/12/10
Source: John Liu
In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), cloud is an essential component. Companies large and small have entered the field to offer cloud solutions. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud, for example, have sophisticated services that perform all kinds of analytics and data crunching. There are also companies that offer more tailor-made or specialized analytics. One of them is platform provider ThroughTek Co. (also known as TUTK), which facilitates transmission of video data among connected devices.
TUTK's flagship service, the Kalay Platform, supports continuous video streaming and real-time data analytics. It leverages point-to-point (P2P) technology to enable live video transmission and help businesses save on operating costs associated with using more expensive relay servers.
The Kalay Platform offers a variety of modular features that include video streaming, recording solution, cloud storage, device management, account management, online payment, over-the-air (OTA) update, push notifications and data analytics. With cloud storage, users have flexible storage options at lower costs; with account management, companies can define multiple user types and manage user permissions; with push notifications, users will be informed on device status and event triggers; with OTA update, users can upgrade software from their mobile app.
“Every smart home will have some video requirement, especially for surveillance purposes. Many IoT companies are working with us, even Xiaomi’s video service uses TUTK’s solution. Our competitive advantage lies in our video data solution,” said Kenny Wu, Sales Director at TUTK.
“Today the Kalay platform has about 40 million devices connected to it. The devices are not just sensors that transmit little data, up to 70-80% are video devices that require higher bandwidth for data transmission. A higher level of technical expertise is required,” said Vivian Huang, Manager of Marketing Department at TUTK.
Most of TUTK’s customers are consumer brands in the U.S. and Europe. The U.S. market is very receptive to the cloud recording service, and people are comfortable paying it via monthly subscription. In the U.S., TUTK targets companies that sell DIY products in retail stores like Best Buy. In fact, some camera makers are using the Kalay Platform for their backend services. Since the European market has more security and privacy concerns regarding cloud recording, TUTK works with local reputable telecoms that find Kalay Platform’s services appealing.

Integration with AI solutions

Recently TUTK began to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into the Kalay Platform for applications in smart retail, home automation, surveillance and connected car. TUTK has the API to link the Kalay Platform to AI solutions provided by Google, AWS and other firms.
One main application that uses TUTK's platform can be found in homes. When motion detection and facial recognition are used together, home security can be enhanced. When motion is detected, an outdoor camera will use facial recognition to identify people outside the door. A client of TUTK has integrated the Kalay Platform with AI so that an outdoor camera can perform facial recognition and send push notifications when someone rings the doorbell. The camera can tell whether it’s a family member or a stranger that comes to the door. If it is a family member, the door that is connected to the camera will be unlocked automatically.
Likewise, an indoor camera can utilize facial recognition to identify family members in the house. And when a senior falls, the event will be detected by motion sensors while the camera verifies the senior’s identity. A push notification will be triggered from the Kalay Platform automatically, so that other family members will be alerted of the event.
An indoor camera can also be applied for baby monitoring purpose. With facial recognition, the camera recognizes the baby’s identity. And the video feed will be used in combination with the breath, pulse and body temperature data gathered to verify the health condition of the baby.
The camera’s facial recognition also have many applications outside homes. It can be applied in a smart retail setting, where merchants want to install cameras that can identify customers, so that they know when a frequent customer has arrived at the store and make merchandise promotions accordingly.
In addition, AI can be applied in the transportation industry. For example, a camera can be embedded in the rear mirror to monitor the driver’s state. An alert may be triggered when the driver closes his or her eyes for more than three seconds, which may signal that the driver is very tired. An alert can then be triggered to prevent the driver from dozing off. Bus service and taxi service companies are likely to find the solution appealing.
"Depending on what AI solutions our customers are looking for, we can integrate the needed services. The solutions are readily available, and we can help clients get them at reasonable prices," said Patrick Kuo, General Manager at TUTK.
Facial recognition is becoming a mature technology that can have a 100% accuracy. Average consumers, however, normally would not require such level of accuracy because they mostly use it to identify a few people. The task, therefore, is finding the right solution provider.
Providing AI as a service requires another set of know-how and expertise, which is not TUTK’s strong suit. The company wants to focus on strengthening the Kalay Platform, providing the right environment to enable AI. As such, it will be “AI services powered by TUTK or the Kalay Platform.” Kuo explained.

TUTK is committed to the GDPR

Lately people have received emails from different companies detailing their personal data and privacy protection commitment. This is all due to the formal implementation of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) law in the European Union. The implementation of GDPR is of grave concern to enterprises worldwide, especially in this era of massive information transmission on the Internet and the increasing popularity of IoT applications. It is easy for companies to obtain and/or process information beyond the personal data collection process and overstep the boundaries of the GDPR.
ThroughTek is an Internet of Things cloud-based service company with customers located around the globe in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and China. As such, the company is aware of its responsibility to respect and protect personal privacy. It was certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI) in September 2017 and was also issued the ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System) certificate.
ThroughTek has closely followed the GDPR regulations, conducted education training to improve staff awareness of privacy protection, and adjusted the company’s organizational processes and services to enhance the transparency of personal data processing. The company continues to follow up and shares its experience with customers and supplier partners, by utilizing higher information security technology, updating privacy policy, optimizing products and services, appointing data protecting experts, and more.
The European Parliament is currently reviewing another bill called “Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications” (ePrivacy). If the bill is approved, it may be implemented as soon as 2019. ePrivacy’s legislative spirit is the same with that of the GDPR, but focuses on network communication software and equipment. ePrivacy’s standards will cover online instant messaging services such as Skype, Line, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Whenever companies want to use cookies, IP addresses, GPS coordinates, etc., they must obtain the user’s consent before placing the tracking code and data in the mobile phone.
ThroughTek says its corporate growth goals are based on the concept of “respecting privacy and giving personal data control rights to individuals” and will continue to optimize privacy protection in its services in light of the future’s stricter privacy protection standards in the EU or other countries.
See ThroughTek’s latest products and services at CES 2019, Sands Expo, Booth# MR46646 from January 8-11.
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