Intel partners with ADT for home security with its RealSense 3D camera technology
Intel partners with ADT for home security with its RealSense 3D camera technology
According to the latest report published by “Intel RealSense Technology Powers up Home Security,” chip giant Intel is crossing over the boundary to partner with security mammoth ADT for its home security RealSense 3D camera technology.

Intel partners with ADT for home security with its RealSense 3D camera technology

Date: 2015/01/15
Source: Editorial Dept.
According to the latest report published by “Intel RealSense Technology Powers up Home Security,” chip giant Intel is crossing over the boundary to partner with security mammoth ADT for its home security RealSense 3D camera technology.

“We are taking RealSense and True Key to bring a vision of the future to your front door,” announced Intel CEO Brian Krzanich during the Intel Keynote speech at CES 2015

Krzanich presented Intels latest wireless authentication technology on stage with a demo girl entering the front door of her home using a mobile device and face recognition.

ADT and Intel are working together to bring perceptual computing for a better home security system, the report mentioned.

The home security systems industry may pose better revenue growth driver for Intel instead of its tablet chip sales, it added.
