Amazon Alexa’s Routine controls multiple devices via one command
Amazon Alexa’s Routine controls multiple devices via one command
Through a recent update, Amazon Alexa has got the power to control multiple gadgets simultaneously via one command, very much like the scene feature of Apple HomeKit.

Amazon Alexa’s Routine controls multiple devices via one command

Date: 2017/11/07
Source: Elvina Yang
Through a recent update, Amazon Alexa has got the power to control multiple gadgets simultaneously via one command, very much like the scene feature of Apple HomeKit.

This new capability, called Alexa Routines, enables users to customize a group of actions in the Alexa app and execute them at the same time by saying a preset voice command.

For example, saying “Alexa, good morning” triggers the coffee machine in the kitchen and Alexa to read today’s news and weather updates; “Alexa, good night” will turn off lights at home and turn on the fan by the bed.

Users will create phrases beginning with the wake-up word “Alexa”, and choose actions they want to happen anytime the phrases are said. In addition to delivering news, traffic or weather updates, smart home appliances can also be controlled via Routines. Compatible brands include Philips, August, TP Link, Belkin and Logitech. However, Routines cannot unlock doors.

Routines can be programmed to occur via certain commands or at a certain time. For the first time, Alexa can execute scheduled actions, and Amazon said it will add more features to power Alexa Routines in the future, like interacting with more than 25,000 third-party Alexa skills.

Apple HomeKit currently allows Siri users to group smart home devices so that they can be triggered together by commands like “Good morning” and “I’m home.” Google said it plans to roll out similar feature soon.

Along with the update, Amazon introduced a new feature called room awareness, which groups certain gadgets in one area with a specific speaker to create contextually awareness for the Echo.

For example, a user can add light bulbs in the living room and name the group as “living room lights,” and then pair it with one Echo device sitting by the couch. When users go near the speaker and tell Alexa to turn off the lights, it will know the order means lights in the living room.

These updates turned Alexa into a more complete task assistant at home. At the same time, Amazon is officially shipping its 2nd-generation Echo and smart home-centric Echo Plus.