The future of security doesn't need to include card readers
The future of security doesn't need to include card readers
There is a good chance that your company uses access control card readers. People who have the right security clearances can use their badges or cards on readers to enter rooms.

The future of security doesn't need to include card readers

Date: 2018/06/04
Source: Spica
There is a good chance that your company uses access control card readers. People who have the right security clearances can use their badges or cards on readers to enter rooms.

You may assume that card readers are essential security devices. When you think about it for a second, though, you can probably imagine a future that doesn’t include cards and card readers. After all, all other uses of card technology are moving forward. When bank cards were coming out, you had to go to the bank to get money. Today, you can control your bank account from your smartphone!

Here’s the good news: the future has already arrived. Thanks to Door Cloud, companies can start thinking about replacing the cards and readers with a smartphone based alternative. If for whatever reason cards and readers are still needed, they are optional.

Here are some of the reasons that smartphones and cloud technology will soon start replacing both cards and readers.

You can manage security clearances better with a cloud-based system

Smartphones are so popular that more than 75 percent of Americans own at least one. This creates an excellent opportunity for businesses to improve security without spending a lot of money.

With a cloud-based smartphone app, companies can:
  • Update security clearances instantly.
  • Use the internet to enhance security protocols.
  • Take multiple steps to verify a person’s identity and clearance level.

When it comes to improved security, there’s no doubt that a cloud-based smartphone app can beat a card reader.

Smartphones and cloud technology are more secure than you think

You probably use your smartphone for banking already. The security technology used by Door Cloud is not much different. If it is safe enough for moving your money, why shouldn't it be safe enough for opening doors?

This argument is sometimes refuted by stating that access controllers of today are the weak link, not secure enough for cloud computing. Yet, an increasing number of manufacturers are releasing new generations of controllers supporting cloud architecture and cloud-grade security.

Door Cloud is based on the Spica Zone series of cloud controllers, custom made for Door Cloud.

So how does it work?

Besides support for standard readers and wi-fi locks, Door Cloud can provide access control without a reader. So how does it work?

The first part is easy – the smartphone replaces a card, we've seen that before. The second part is a bit more tricky – instead of the usual reader and controller, the access attempt is communicated via the Door Cloud smartphone app. The particular door is determined from the smartphone's location.

Now you may say that smartphone location is not precise enough to locate a particular door, especially inside multi-storey buildings, packed with doors.

That used to be true until recently. The latest smartphones don’t rely solely on GPS for positioning. Instead, they use a combination of GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth signals. That turns out to be good enough to locate a particular door in many cases. In some cases, when the position is not precise enough, the app will offer a list of nearby doors to select from.

The reasons to go with cloud access control

Since there are no servers to install and manage, only controllers and locks need to be fitted on access points. This is ideal for remote locations where installing the proper infrastructure for a non-cloud-based access control is hard to justify.

Similarly, installing Door Cloud in many offices at once is a breeze and presents lower investment costs due to the subscription based model of the service. Installation is also much easier for the installer so for the first time companies who already offer intruder detection and video surveillance can easily add access control to their offering, without having to worry about IT overhead.

This opens the door (no pun intended) to new markets where users are ready to replace their keys and cards with smartphones. Residential buildings of tomorrow will be unlocked automatically when you approach the door assuming you have the right security clearance.

Abuse is always a concern and Door Cloud was developed with the highest security standards in mind. It's hosted and certified by Microsoft Azure while it communicates with controllers by way of the latest IoT protocol hosted by Amazon.

Yes, card readers will eventually become obsolete

The writing is already on the wall. It’s just a matter of time before access cards and card readers become obsolete. Fortunately for some, that will not happen overnight. Cards and readers are so dominant that it will take years, maybe decades before they eventually disappear.

By offering your clients the latest, most secure technology from the very beginning, you can differentiate your security company from those that still rely on old-fashioned devices only and get ahead of your competitors.

And if your clients aren’t ready to make the commitment yet, you can introduce them to a combination of reader and readerless access options. It won’t take long before they see the benefits of joining Door Cloud. 
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