GKB Video Fire & Smoke Analytics IP camera
GKB Video Fire & Smoke Analytics IP camera
GKB Video Fire & Smoke detection provides an early stage detection for fire at 30 seconds & smoke at 88 seconds! It provides a pop out video information to know what happened, where it happened and why it happened; it could automatically triggers fire panel for extinguish the fire and reduces the lost

GKB Video Fire & Smoke Analytics IP camera

Date: 2018/04/11
Source: Secutech International
GKB Video Fire & Smoke detection provides an early stage detection for fire at 30 seconds & smoke at 88 seconds! It provides a pop out video information to know what happened, where it happened and why it happened; it could automatically triggers fire panel for extinguish the fire and reduces the lost.
  • Fire Detection Technology followed NFPA72/FM Approval/EN54 standard, developed with various patterns algorithm method.
  • Visualize analytic: Detect Fire & Smoke within 30seconds even in Outdoor areas
  • Seeing is believing: Visual detection enhance application range with outstanding notification speed.
  • When Fire & Smokes appears, VeriFire will start Pixel Change analytic frame by frame.