DEO offers business and home CCTV video monitoring services
DEO offers business and home CCTV video monitoring services
DataEntryOutsourced has the solution – an array of CCTV monitoring services that provide a practical and cost-effective way to keep an eye on remote employees. CCTV monitoring is the perfect service to outsource thanks to advances in internet technology.

DEO offers business and home CCTV video monitoring services

Date: 2014/09/02
Source: DataEntryOutsourced

With a survey of business owners predicting that 60% of office-based employees will regularly work from remote locations by 2022, the number of businesses needing to monitor workers operating away from the office is growing – and fast.

DataEntryOutsourced has the solution – an array of CCTV monitoring services that provide a practical and cost-effective way to keep an eye on remote employees. CCTV monitoring is the perfect service to outsource thanks to advances in internet technology. With substantial cost savings and highly experienced professionals on hand to do all of the legwork, businesses all over the world are discovering the benefits of outsourcing their CCTV video monitoring to DEO.

Whether businesses are worried about fraud, theft, productivity or they simply want the peace of mind of being able to check up on their workforce, DEO and its team of highly-skilled virtual surveillance professionals can deliver the type of monitoring system that is sure to set all minds at ease.

As well as monitoring, DEO provide comprehensive reporting services, so clients can define their reporting criteria and receive regular updates on how their workers are performing – delivered in real-time.

Sr. Sales Manager of DEO says, “With the remote workforce ever-growing, thanks to developments in communications technology, businesses need to bolster their resources to monitor their employees that work off-site. We provide 24/7 coverage at your remote sites to give business owners total peace of mind – if and when something goes wrong, our vigilant team will be on the ball. Whether we're contacting business owners or law enforcement, time is of the essence and we'll always respond to issues instantly.”

Many businesses shy away from such monitoring services, believing them to be too expensive to be cost-effective. At DEO, there are estimated cost savings of up to 60% compared to other providers, making it the most effective offshore model currently available on the market. But the low prices don't mean a compromise on stellar service levels – every client receives a dedicated account manager to handle their CCTV monitoring service round-the-clock, and ensure that all reports are delivered in a timely manner.

DEO is already watching banks, supermarkets, local stores and other small businesses across the world, keeping tabs on properties and employees to ensure maximum productivity and total security. Industrial buildings and institutional establishments can also benefit from the services, and residential building owners are even getting in on the service, monitoring properties they are developing or residences that remain empty for long periods of time to ensure their security.