Bosch surveillance solution helps Australian city deter crime and vandalism
Bosch surveillance solution helps Australian city deter crime and vandalism
In the late 1800s, Wanneroo became a major source of vegetables for Perth as its lake system proved ideal for agricultural purposes. Equivalent to the size of Singapore, the City of Wanneroo spans both urban and rural areas including busland, wetlands, coastal and regional areas. The city's population has reached 156,000 with that number set to double by 2031. The city continues to be one of the fastest growing regions in the country.

Bosch surveillance solution helps Australian city deter crime and vandalism

Date: 2012/11/27
Source: Bosch Security Systems

In the late 1800s, Wanneroo became a major source of vegetables for Perth as its lake system proved ideal for agricultural purposes. Equivalent to the size of Singapore, the City of Wanneroo spans both urban and rural areas including busland, wetlands, coastal and regional areas. The city's population has reached 156,000 with that number set to double by 2031. The city continues to be one of the fastest growing regions in the country.

Business Objective:
The city was one of the 25 regions requested to place together a project to support the Australian Government's 'Safer Suburbs Plan'. Along with an additional grant from the WA State Government, the city had A$1 million to implement a system that would not only deter crime, vandalism and other anti-social behavior in region but also allow identification of offenders of crime and ensure the city is a safe place in which to live.

The city representatives along with local police and businesses worked closely together to determine the areas that needed to be covered to ensure effective monitoring of pedestrian and vehicular movements and to identify offenders. This solution was also required to provide continuous recording of all cameras in the system and to allow independent viewing of any camera in accordance with standard operating procuedures. It was also imperative that the solution be able to maintain tamperproof records for post even analysis.

The Bosch solution chosen was installed by Prestige alarms, and has two core segments:
- a mobile CCTV solution;
- city solution.

The mobile CCTV solution involves the Bosch MIC400 camera and a pair of WZ14 side cameras being fitted to four ranger community safety patrol vehicles along with a Panasonic toughbook allowing for mobile monitoring. The city solution involves 16 Bosch 500 series PTZ cameras attached to 6 meter articulating poles viewing the nominated locations across the city including three suburban locations (Girawheen, Clarkson and Alexander Heights). The two segments are then integrated back to a central location at the Administration Center in Wanneroo for monitoring.

From the perspective of the city, the most important aspect of this solution is its ability to allow real time 24 hour monitoring of all the designated areas.

Any project of this magnitude is going to take considerable time to come together and this project was no exception. From the initial funding agreement until installation, it was just over two years, with installation of the infrastructure itself taking a little over seven months. It goes without saying that with a system as complex as this, there are going to be many hurdles and challenges along the way. However, most of these were resolved with little difficulty in conjunction with the City of Wanneroo to a successful result.