Axis IP Video Surveillance Renovates South African IT Infrastructure Distributor
Axis IP Video Surveillance Renovates South African IT Infrastructure Distributor
AxizWorkgroup, a South African IT infrastructure distributor, surpasses its competitors through its commitment to providing a comprehensive product range without compromising on quality. AxizWorkgroup supplies a wide variety of hardware and software including desktop PCs, servers, laptops, monitors, computer components and printers. An outdated surveillance system was the sole line of defense against criminal activity and, extremely concerned after a traumatic robbery, senior management undertook to revolutionize their security with a high-tech solution.

Axis IP Video Surveillance Renovates South African IT Infrastructure Distributor

Date: 2011/05/17
Source: Axis Communications
AxizWorkgroup, a South African IT infrastructure distributor, surpasses its competitors through its commitment to providing a comprehensive product range without compromising on quality. AxizWorkgroup supplies a wide variety of hardware and software including desktop PCs, servers, laptops, monitors, computer components and printers. An outdated surveillance system was the sole line of defense against criminal activity and, extremely concerned after a traumatic robbery, senior management undertook to revolutionize their security with a high-tech solution.
With years of experience specializing in designing, implementing and managing video surveillance solutions, Axis partner, The Surveillance Factory, recommended the complete replacement of the antiquated surveillance system with an Axis IP-based video surveillance solution. AxizWorkgroup accepted the proposal, confident that the challenge of safe-guarding their staff and securing their high-value stock could be met by the market leader in network video.
The design of the surveillance solution at the AxizWorkgroup premises includes HDTV fixed and PTZ network cameras to provide comprehensive coverage from the perimeter, throughout the entire customer area, right through to the warehouse. The proactive monitoring provides peace of mind to personnel, customers and suppliers. Although the ensuing financial benefit of the installation is quantifiable and significant, it is almost exceeded by the elevated level of productivity that arises from a safe working environment.

“The live, proactively monitored system, with superb HDTV picture quality, allows an overview of our premises from a central point and the cost to manage it is minimal,“ said Louis Steenkamp, Security Manager, AxizWorkgroup.