As the renewable energy market grows, it experiences new risks and threats. The blazing sun and powerful winds place solar and wind farms in lonely areas, making it difficult to secure via manpower. Electronic security plays a pivotal role for the remote protection of large-scale green energy farms.

Advanced Technology Gears Up to Protect Renewable Energy

Date: 2011/03/30
Source: By The Editoral Team
Poor lighting conditions and harsh natural environments may make it difficult to capture usable images. “Thermal imaging cameras can be used to capture a person's features clearly,” said Robert Putnam, Head of Media Relations, LRAD Corporation. Thermal imaging and IR cameras are placed in strategic areas to be used alongside normal surveillance cameras, said Ted Campbell, Senior VP of Renewable Energies Business, Schneider Electric.

Megapixel and HD solutions are also being deployed for added clarity. “Because solar and wind farms are situated on such large plots of land, it is important that the camera can capture clear and detailed images from miles away. HD cameras and big lenses are being used to accomplish this,” Johnston said.

Monitoring from Afar
The total amount of power generated determines the size of the farm, which in turn affects the need for manned guards to be present on the farm at all hours. “A 2-MW farm takes up roughly 20 acres of land on average — this may vary depending on the size of the panels and the type of panels used,” said Chuck Scifers, Head of Business Development, Jet Protect. “There are several farms that produce more than 5 MW of power, and guards are often placed on these farms to patrol the area.”

However, there is always margin for human error. “Round-the-clock human monitoring is not a very effective way to provide security and surveillance for projects as large as these,” Putnam said. The aim is to remove the human element and rely more on technology, Scifers said.

Monitoring is often outsourced to private security companies with control centers located as close to the site as possible, Capula said. “Many times, the monitoring stations for these unattended sites can even be in another country. This is why it is important to have video motion detection software in place to notify authorities and dispatch local aid quickly. First responders can have monitors set up in their cars to efficiently receive information and communicate with the monitoring station,” Katz said.

Information can be displayed on an aerial map or a drawing of the site. “It will then follow the intruder in real time, while providing an accurate direction, location and speed of the intruder,” Avery said. “This enables fast deployment of patrols to where a breach is taking place.”

Additionally, energy farms can involve sites with varying topography and terrain. Security system needs to interface effectively with the site's manned response team to ensure any intruders are intercepted quickly, Downie said.