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Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: protecting patients with Avigilon

Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: protecting patients with Avigilon
With a desire to improve its legacy surveillance system, CHH looked to Avigilon’s advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology and video analytics to meet their security needs.
Several years ago, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital (CHH) found itself with an outdated security system that lacked quality video coverage and recording capabilities. CHH struggled with reliable video playback and faced frequent system crashes, often leaving them unable to provide accurate evidence during investigations. As a result, many liability claims and hospital incidents went unresolved.

With a desire to improve its legacy surveillance system, CHH looked to Avigilon’s advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology and video analytics to meet their security needs. CHH began a multi-phase upgrade that included installing over 100 Avigilon cameras with self-learning video analytics, deploying AI-based Avigilon Appearance Search technology, and using impulse radar technology with the Avigilon Presence Detector (APD) Sensor.

Avigilon's AI solutions move the CHH system from legacy to advanced and provide effective monitoring around the clock while also helping to create operational efficiencies. Since deploying ACC software, CHH’s operators spend significantly less time reviewing recorded video, allowing them to focus on proactive event response. Working with Avigilon, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital has a roadmap for continued growth and exceptional patient safety.

"Avigilon has made us more efficient, as I don’t have to spend as much time sifting through large amounts of video. Instead, I can use Appearance Search technology to find the person or vehicle I am looking for, faster."

The Treatment: Avigilon Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Technology for Security

Avigilon Appearance Search technology—a sophisticated deep learning AI search engine—helps CHH quickly locate a specific person or vehicle of interest across all cameras both inside the hospital and care centers as well as outside parking lots. This technology provides CHH's operators with enhanced situational awareness, enabling fast event response and helping to save time and effort during critical investigations

To protect areas of the hospital where cameras cannot be installed, CHH installed the Avigilon Presence Detector (APD), a discreet impulse radar device with self-learning radar analytics that scans, learns, and continuously adapts to its environment.

Capable of detecting persons who aren't moving or are hidden, the APD sensors help improve situational awareness for CHH staff, and are used in areas where cameras are not permitted, such as restrooms or change rooms. When integrated with Avigilon Control Center (ACC) video management software, APD sensors alert CHH operators of human presence while still maintaining privacy.

Avigilon H4 cameras were used throughout the hospital to provide exceptional image quality and built-in self-learning video analytics, which provides accurate detection and notification of movement of people and vehicles. CHH also deployed HD Multisensor cameras which provide up to four camera views per camera installation, using only one camera license and network drop. This allows CHH's staff to efficiently cover all angles in order to detect, verify, and act on potential security events across the hospital’s premises.

A Successful Remedy

At the core of CHH is a desire to help the community and still serve as the beacon of compassion it was founded to be 100 years ago. With these values in mind, the hospital's mission when it comes to security is the safety of patients, visitors, and employees. By working with Avigilon, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital has a roadmap for continued growth and exceptional patient safety

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