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EVVA Xesar is running

EVVA Xesar is running
The headquarters of the Vienna City Marathon have been refurbished. Including a new Xesar locking system.
With over 42,000 runners the Vienna City Marathon (VCM) is Austria's sporting event with the most participants. An emotional and thrilling permanent feature in the sporting calendar and for the general public. One reason also being its excellent organization in the run up to VCM. Mehmed Alajöegovic, Head of Production and also responsible for facility management at the VCM office in Vienna's 23rd district, is not only one of the driving forces of VCM, but also responsible for the installation and use of the Xesar electronic locking system, installed in 2014. In collaboration with EVVA Certified Partner Wolf he opted for Xesar and took responsibility of maintenance for the electronic locking system

Versatile and simple

Alajbegovic has always been interested in the sports industry. "l started handing out T-shirts," he laughs. Alajbegovic was then appointed to various positions higher up in the hierarchy and following his masters in 2010 he became the VCM production manager. "However, this also means that I am not only responsible for coordinating suppliers and authorities, but also for the office building including locking system and programming the access authorizations." Xesar, the versatile, electronic locking system, was installed years ago and keeps running where it is literally all about endurance.

Each marathon is different

Alajbegovic can tell many nice stories of what he has experienced at VCM, but each year the leisure time runner is taken aback by the motivated volunteers that help make VCM a top-class sporting event. "And it's these volunteers that are, if required, granted totally straight-forward access to relevant areas, such as our warehouse." In times where the organization team is particularly busy, between January and April, the core team grows to up to 30 members. "This was also one of the reasons to opt for Xesar — in this system, we can program any number of key tags to quickly grant or revoke access authorizations. The tags currently in circulation are also easy to replace. Employees value this greatly — they must no longer have such a guilty conscience as the security level remains identical, even if key tags are lost."
Xesar key tags enable users to easily grant or revoke access authorizations.
Source: EVVA

Service as the secret to success

The supporting EVVA electronic locking systems partner Wolf is top class in terms of service. "l have added him to my Whatsapp contacts. As a result, I quickly get an answer to my questions," Alajbegovic explains. Christian Wolf, Managing Director at the metal-working company, explains: "This service is just included in my eyes." "l know Mehmed Alajbegovic, Vienna City Marathon Production Manager from experience that especially with electronic systems customers initially need time to adapt. For this reason, we made sure the transfer works perfectly. However, I am always available afterwards." Wolf adds. "Thanks to Xesar we were able to ideally meet the demands of the VCM organization team. In addition to great design the locking system is most of all easy to handle, making it the perfect solution for customers." The short delivery periods and the outstanding service rounded off the project.

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