Nedap Expects 19% Revenue Growth for First Half of 2012

Source: Nedap | Date: 2012/7/5
Nedap Expects 19% Revenue Growth for First Half of 2012

The executive board of N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek “Nedap” expects for the 1st half-year 2012 to achieve higher growth in revenue and profit than was forecast in the interim report of 10 April 2012.

In April, a marked* rise in revenue growth was expected compared to the 1st half-year 2011 (revenues € 69.6 million). The executive board now expects revenue to reach around € 83 million. This is equivalent to growth of about 19%. Corrected for the discontinued supplier activities, the growth in revenue is almost 30%. Especially the market groups Agri and Power Supplies contributed to this higher revenue forecast. The costs for market and product development also remained at a relatively high level in the 1st half-year 2012. Nonetheless, because of the expected growth in revenue, the profit will show a sharp increase compared to the 1st half-year 2011. The financial half-yearly report for 2012 will be published on 7 August 2012 after trading hours.

For 2012 as a whole, the executive board expects - notwithstanding unforeseen circumstances - a further growth of the total revenue. The total revenue for 2011 was € 152.3 million. Excluding the discontinued supplier activities, the turnover for 2011 was € 142.7 million. The predictability of revenue and profit in the short to middle term is not helped, however, by the uncertain and volatile economic conditions in a number of regions and sectors relevant for Nedap. By continuing to invest in a broad product portfolio and worldwide marketing, Nedap is trying to reduce its susceptibility to such external influences.

*Nedap applies the ‘Scale of Mock' in its financial press releases. On this scale, the term ‘marked' is equivalent to 7%-12%.

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