Articles Search Results

7 Articles and 0 related Products found for elder-care technology
  • What are some use cases for technology at institutes?
    Residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are vulnerable to accidents such as falling without any staff around to assist the...
    Editor / Provider: William Pao, a&s International | Updated: 2019 / 5 / 9
  • How is technology useful for elderly institutes?
    Amid an increasingly aging population, countries across the globe are witnessing a rise in nursing homes and assisted living facilities cate...
    Editor / Provider: William Pao, a&s International | Updated: 2019 / 5 / 2
  • Smart home companies hone in on growing US elder care market
    As countries around the world prepare for a future with aging populations, many smart home companies are investing in the development of eld...
    Editor / Provider: Eifeh Strom, Freelancer & Jill Lai, a&s International | Updated: 2019 / 4 / 25
  • What's required of institutes to ensure quality care?
    While many seniors choose to live at home, others, especially those with certain illnesses, opt for nursing homes and assisted living facili...
    Editor / Provider: William Pao, a&s International | Updated: 2019 / 4 / 25