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Voice Commerce Group Joins PCI Security Standards Council as Participating Organization

Voice Commerce Group, a supplier in payment processing, announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council as a new participating organization. As a Participating Organization, Voice Commerce Group will work with the Council to evolve the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) and other payment card data protection standards.The PCI DSS, endorsed by American Express, Discover Financial Serv...

Voice Commerce Group, a supplier in payment processing, announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council as a new participating organization. As a Participating Organization, Voice Commerce Group will work with the Council to evolve the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) and other payment card data protection standards.

The PCI DSS, endorsed by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc., requires merchants and service providers that store, process or transmit customer payment card data to adhere to information security controls and processes that ensure data integrity.

As a Participating Organization, Voice Commerce Group will now have access to the payment card security standards from the Council, be able to provide feedback on the standards and become part of a growing community that now includes nearly 500 organizations. In an era of increasingly sophisticated attacks on systems, adhering to the PCI DSS represents an entity's best protection against data criminals. By joining as a Participating Organization Voice Commerce Group is adding its voice to the process.

"The PCI Security Standards Council is committed to helping everyone involved in the payment chain protect consumer payment data," said Bob Russo, General Manager of the PCI Security Standards Council. "By participating in the standards setting process, Voice Commerce Group demonstrates they are playing an active part in this important end goal."

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