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Sielox introduces integration solutions with Allegion’s networked devices

Sielox introduces integration solutions with Allegion’s networked devices
Sielox announces two new integrations for Allegion solutions that provide users and integrators alike with unprecedented time and cost savings.
Sielox announces two new integrations for Allegion solutions that provide users and integrators alike with unprecedented time and cost savings. The new first-to-market integration with networked Schlage locks and Von Duprin devices provides new Over Network Reprogramming (ONR) firmware updates via Sielox’s popular 1700 Controller, eliminating the need for technicians to upgrade individual locks on a door-by-door and site-by-site basis. Additionally, Sielox announced a new integration with its flagship Pinnacle Access Control Platform and Schlage NDE wireless cylindrical and LE wireless mortise locks to provide remote control and management of doors using a facility’s existing WiFi infrastructure, dramatically reducing installation costs.
“Our new and innovative integrations with Allegion solutions further capitalize on the inherent benefits wireless and WiFi locks provide for advanced networked access control systems,” said Karen Evans, President and CEO of Sielox. “Sielox is extremely pleased to be working closely with Allegion to bring these new capabilities and benefits to market.”
Sielox’s first-to-market Allegion ONR Firmware Update Solution for Allegion’s portfolio of networked locks and devices is accomplished via the company’s industry-proven 1700 Controller using RS485. It allows system administrators to upload firmware updates for Allegion’s Schlage AD-300 and 400, NDE and LE locks, Von Duprin RU-RM exit devices without system disruption. The new ONR firmware solution provides both users and integrators with substantial time and cost savings by simplifying and centralizing firmware updates.
Sielox also introduced an innovative new Pinnacle for Schlage WiFi Service for Schlage NDE cylindrical and LE mortise wireless locks via the company’s Pinnacle Access Control Platform. This comprehensive door control solution enables scheduled management using a facility’s existing WiFi network and eliminates the need for a control panel. The add-on Pinnacle licensed service can be installed on the same server as the Pinnacle access control software. The Pinnacle for Schlage WiFi Service makes access control more affordable and accessible by enabling wireless installation and management of doors utilizing pre-existing WiFi infrastructure within a building.
“Sielox continues to provide a premium experience to its end-users and integrators through enabling Allegion technologies,” said Rob Lydic, Allegion Vice President of PACs OEMs. “The ONR and WiFi integrations enable customers to drive access control deeper into their facilities with first-class management capabilities.”

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