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Body-worn cameras: Who are they for?

Body-worn cameras: Who are they for?
More and more, body-worn cameras are increasingly in use. While it’s obvious that they are largely for law enforcement officials, they can be beneficial in other fields as well.
More and more, body-worn cameras are increasingly in use. While it’s obvious that they are largely for law enforcement officers, they can be beneficial in other fields as well.
Body-worns are small in size. While most of them are to be worn on the torso, some can be installed on the helmet or built inside glasses. Live feeds can be transmitted to the command center either through 4G or Wi-Fi.
Body-worn cameras have use cases in various industries. Law enforcement, needless to say, accounts for a large share of the body-worn market. Most importantly, police officers wear them to gather evidence while on duty.
“Previously, body-worn solutions didn't have much traction. But now, with all the human rights accusations against the government, policemen are more inclined to have body cameras to protect their integrity and have evidence that they are doing their work,” said Matthew Ang, Product Manager at ISR, a Philippines-based distributor, in a previous interview with
A recent blogpost by U.S.-based installer 2M CCTV echoed a similar opinion. “For law enforcement, body-worn cameras are used to record interactions with the public and also to collect evidence at crime scenes. They augment not just the officer’s accountability but also ensure that the police officer is able to collect crucial information that can be held as proof,” it said.
According to the post, several studies have shown that complaints related to interactions with police officers reduced and the use of force and assault on officers also showed a declining trend with its use. “Deploying body cameras can aid in the de-escalation of anti-social behavior and assaults, and it can also assist a well-guided evaluation of the officer’s performance,” it said. “A study by Cambridge University revealed that police equipped with body-worn cameras receive 93 percent fewer complaints by the public. Police Department of Rialto, California, reported a 59 percent reduction in incidents where force is used by police officers.”

Other than law enforcement

While law enforcement finds body-worn cameras useful, other industries can benefit from them as well. “From law enforcement to military and journalism to covert surveillance, body worn camera can have multiple uses that can serve the society,” the 2M CCTV blogpost said.
Specifically, the post cited the security guard sector. “Nowadays, they have also become popular for security guards. While on duty, they might have to report problems to their supervisor and the validity of such issues can be corroborated by the recordings,” it said. “Security companies the offer armed and unarmed guard service have been deploying body-worn cameras for their agents. It has helped companies analyze employees work performance when it comes to resolving disputes. BWCs have also helped security guard supervisors instant live monitoring via Wi-Fi to guide their guard’s handling of situations better.”

Concerns associated with body-worns

According to the post, there are some concerns associated with body-worn cameras, including that of privacy of those who are being recorded.
“In 2010, police officers at the University of Maryland deleted video footage that could have served as a proof for the accusation that they were involved in beating students. Features of these devices and policies should strive towards making the evidence indisputable to make it serve its most essential function,” the post said.
“Body worn cameras, like any other devices, can either be misused or can be utilized in a way that serves justice to all. Proper policies and guidelines, along with efficient technology and training need to be used to brought into play to reap the benefits with minimal pitfalls,” it concluded.

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