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2GIG announces new gun motion detector for home security

2GIG announces new gun motion detector for home security
Nortek Security & Control (NSC) has announced the introduction of the 2GIG Gun Motion Detector – a sensor with a steel, 3-digit combination trigger lock that sends an alert to a 2GIG touch panel or smartphone if a gun is moved.
Continuing to develop new ways for security installers to address their customers' immediate safety concerns, Nortek Security & Control (NSC) has announced the introduction of the 2GIG Gun Motion Detector – a sensor with a steel, 3-digit combination trigger lock that sends an alert to a 2GIG touch panel or smartphone if a gun is moved. The Gun Motion Detector is now available from NSC and 2GIG distributors.

"Gun safety is a critical part of home security, and the 2GIG Gun Motion Detector adds safety and peace-of-mind for gun-owning households," said NSC Sr. Product Line Manager, Robert Wong. "The Gun Motion Detector helps homeowners to better safeguard their weapons against any potential tampering or foul play that may result in a tragic disaster."

Incorporating a steel, 3-digit combination trigger lock, the Gun Motion Detector will provide a timely alert to a homeowner's 2GIG GC2 or GC3 touch panel if their weapon is moved. When used in conjunction with NSC's back-end partners, and SecureNet, a push notification can be sent to the homeowner’s smart phone alerting them of the weapon’s movement. The Gun Motion Detector fits most handguns, as well as rifles and shotguns. As with any trigger lock, the California Gun Safety (DOJ) Certified device should be used only on unloaded weapons.

Like the recently introduced Stove & Grill Guard, Outdoor Contact Sensor and Water Leak Detector, the Gun Motion Detector is part of the new 2GIG Notification Sensors line that guards against mishaps – such as leaving the stove on – before a mishap occurs. The Notification Sensors line extends the safety and security to more areas in the home, allowing dealers to personalize safety and security features for each customer, increasing customer satisfaction.

"Gun safety is an issue that is top-of-mind in our country today," Wong concluded. “The 2GIG Gun Motion Detector is an important safety tool for gun owners, providing timely notifications that allow them to react as soon as they receive an alert that their weapon is being handled or moved. This awareness adds to the peace-of-mind that makes 2GIG trusted by millions.”

Product Adopted:
Residential Security
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