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High-performance VCA platform helps in the age of analytics

High-performance VCA platform helps in the age of analytics
Before, most VCA software products were hosted on a server on the backend. But more and more, VCA is installed on the front-end to detect possible danger and threats early. This is where a high-performance a VCA platform can come in handy.

It goes without saying that video analytics, or VCA, now plays a much bigger role in security. Before, most VCA software products were hosted on a server on the backend. But more and more, VCA is installed on the front-end to detect possible danger and threats early. This is where a high-performance VCA platform can come in handy. At a recent security event held by Messe Frankfurt, ADLINK Technology showcased its video analytics platform optimized for video surveillance.

The platform takes video feeds from hundreds if not thousands of IP cameras in a safe city project, for example, and decodes those feeds that might have been compressed by high-resolution cameras. Afterwards, the device can run various analytics, such as facial recognition or moving object detection, on the video, depending on the software installed.

“The analytics part is left with SIs or other software vendors,” said Claire Chen, Marketing Specialist for Embedded Computing Product Segment at ADLINK. “We provide the hardware platform with enough processing power for the analytics to be performed smoothly and effectively.”

According to Chen, what makes the product unique is the use of just one processor – Intel’s Xeon chip integrated with GPU functions – to handle everything, thus eliminating the need to purchase two systems, one dedicated to GPU-based functions such as video decoding, encoding and transcoding, and one dedicated to the analytics. “The use of the latter architecture will bring the processing speed down significantly, not to mention a rise in cost for the end user,” Chen said.

The product has already found its initial success in various safe city projects in China, deployed in conjunction with cameras from prestigious brands. “The platform is optimized for large-scale projects, like city surveillance, with camera count of above 200 to 300,” Chen said. “For surveillance in a residential community, this solution may not be needed. But for monitoring an entire city with 100 to 1,000 cameras, video analytics is needed to, for example, track someone from point A to point B, and a video analytics platform can be of help.”

The company is now thinking about replicating its China success elsewhere by selling the product to other parts of Asia, Europe, and North America, Chen said.

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