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VDG Security secures Bratislava during Slovakia's EU presidency

VDG Security secures Bratislava during Slovakia's EU presidency
Bratislava’s city surveillance has been brought to the highest level, thanks to excellent video surveillance solutions of VDG Security. With Slovakia leading the EU during the second half of 2016, Bratislava will be welcoming many of Europe’s leaders during this time.
Bratislava’s city surveillance has been brought to the highest level, thanks to excellent video surveillance solutions of VDG Security. With Slovakia leading the EU during the second half of 2016, Bratislava will be welcoming many of Europe’s leaders during this time.

Slovakia counts around 5.5 million people with 450.000 in the country’s capitol, Bratislava. The city’s safety and security is well taken care of and video surveillance has been successfully contributing to that for many years. The state police, the city police, public transport and highway security services already use VDG video management software. However, until recently these systems were not connected to each other.

This was the main topic of discussion during the recent visit of head of Bratislava’s security department, Peter Magdin, at VDG Security’s main office in The Netherlands. During his and his colleagues’ visit, the options to integrate the separate systems of the city’s police, highway security and the public transport into one flexible state of the art video surveillance system were discussed and a perfect solution was engineered.

Marcel van Kersbergen, European Sales Manager of VDG Security said, “The VDG Sense video management software provides easy expansion of extra video channels, client stations, added intelligence and connections to third party systems. Through the flexibility of the system, we were able to configure a perfect solution in which hundreds of cameras all over Bratislava can be monitored and controlled from virtually any place within the city’s private fiber-optic network.”

Bratislava has an important task of protecting not only the many inhabitants, but also Europe’s leaders and politicians during the next six months. It is a securing thought that the city surveillance system has been brought to the highest level to enhance the authorities to provide the highest level of safety

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