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GKB IP Diplomat constructs a Safe city in Cebu See clear, See clever!

GKB IP Diplomat constructs a Safe city in Cebu See clear, See clever!
As we all know City surveillance is always a critical issue, in light of this, Cebu City government has been looking into the possibility of installing IP cameras in road intersections to deter the commission of crimes and traffic violations. Seeing this demand, GKB is proud to assist Cebu City government in customizing a total solution for this project. To ensure best image quality, GKB allocates the best PTZ camera DZ2801 in each intersection, supported by smart Diplomat platform, enables live public viewing from multi sites system, allowing Cebu government a comprehensive control of the city’s security.
As we all know City surveillance is always a critical issue, in light of this, Cebu City government has been looking into the possibility of installing IP cameras in road intersections to deter the commission of crimes and traffic violations. Seeing this demand, GKB is proud to assist Cebu City government in customizing a total solution for this project. To ensure best image quality, GKB allocates the best PTZ camera DZ2801 in each intersection, supported by smart Diplomat platform, enables live public viewing from multi sites system, allowing Cebu government a comprehensive control of the city’s security.

High Definition Surveillance
GKB advised Cebu government using DZ2801 camera, which features Sony FCB –EH3400 and 720P 28X zoom module. The HD video provides the authorized guards and police with easy identification event detailed scenes such as facial or license plate when it is needed.

To offer more, GKB not only offers HD speed dome for HD surveillance but also provides a comprehensive video alarm platform for the entire project.

1.  IAST platform with panic button.
GKB advised to install panic button on each streetlight. If any citizen encounters burglar, criminal or some dangerous situation, they simply need to press the panic button. Then, police station will detect the notification with pop out video immediately. The device makes possible for the police to take immediate action to terminate and to avoid further crime.

2.  Support video hosting architecture to support multiple sites viewing.
Upon getting the notification, the police would move to the location, yet even on the go; they could use laptops or smart phones to monitor the situation of that site. Furthermore, all of their city surveillance center, each police station, website, and smartphone could monitor the cameras at the same time.

3.  GKB proposed WIFI access point on each intersection.
Another very creative method that GKB provides Cebu government – is to install WIFI device on each intersection. Therefore, the police guards can immediately take over the PTZ control when they are on site through WIFI LAN connection to the PTZ. Once taking over the PTZ control, the guards can control PTZ without delay for fast tracking purpose.

1.  Foresee the future demand
The platform GKB proposes is an extendable platform which the Government agency can prepare for its future control and management, with the entire surveillance cameras up to 30,000 as well as the increasing needs of future deployment. For future add on cameras, there will be no upgraded software license fees. The platform can be also extended for other video applications such as public traffic viewing through GKB unique video hosting platform, alarm and monitoring services for entire commercial shops through Cebu area, and sight scene applications as well.

2.  Professional consultant service
To serve from top to end, GKB also helps the government to deploy the internet structure with the biggest local telecom company in Philippines. Not only just support you with our solution but also provide professional service to our customer.

GKB provides a variety of products and intelligent total solution for different projects such as school, hospital, bank and city hall… etc. And we will help our customer using the most economical way to do the right deployment for their project. Providing the best service to our customer is always our goal!


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