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iView Systems announces strategic alliance with Security Executive Council

iView Systems announces strategic alliance with Security Executive Council
iView Systems, a provider of loss prevention solutions for the security and surveillance environment, announces that it has been selected as a Security Executive Council Solution Innovation Partner.

iView Systems, a provider of loss prevention solutions for the security and surveillance environment, announces that it has been selected as a Security Executive Council Solution Innovation Partner. The Solution Innovation Partner (SIP) program includes best-of-breed technology partners with the shared commitment to bring proven expertise and business solutions for each unique customer environment.

The Council's Solution Innovation Partner program was formed based on the need for practitioners to choose a vendor with confidence when there is often a multitude of options in the marketplace; and help them evaluate solution provider's claims. It was also formed to help the vendor community define their offerings in a way to assist in distinguishing their solution from others in the market; and communicate demonstrable ROI in business terms. Providers are evaluated for their risk mitigation, return on investment, and security assurance capabilities, as well as their trustworthiness. This program allows practitioners to more easily identify trusted, capable solutions for unique environments.

“The Security Executives Council (SEC) welcomes iView Systems as a technology alliance partner to the Solution Innovation Partner program (SIP),” said Dean Correia, Emeritus Faculty Security Executive Council. “The Security Executive Council and our solution innovation partners are driving the ability to influence the security practice and evoke positive change. Through the SIP program, companies like iView Systems can extend the benefits of an integrated suite of security solutions for incident reporting, visitor management and identification solutions.

“We are very excited about our partnership with SEC. The SEC is an established research and advisory services organization for proven risk mitigation solutions and the shared expertise and synergy it will bring to iView Systems will be invaluable. Through this partnership we look forward to collaborating and driving continuous innovation of our software solutions”, states James Moore, VP of iView Systems.

“iView Systems provides a fully integrated end-to-end Incident Reporting and Risk Management platform designed to increase security and improve productivity, while meeting compliance objectives and maximizing return on investment”, states Moore. “Our partnership with the Security Executive Council and SIP program inclusion provides us with the third party validation as a trusted and reliable security software provider, capable of contributing to end-user operating improvements for the global security marketplace”.

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