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ING Bank in Romania Protected by TDSi

ING Bank in Romania Protected by TDSi
TDSi offers a range of solutions that cater for the numerous and demanding access control needs of the banking and finance industry, whilst respecting the need to provide full value for money and return on investment – excellence that has been utilized by ING Bank in Romania. TDSi has supplied access control systems for 175 Offices of ING Bank in Romania, with 125 locations completed to date. Wo...

TDSi offers a range of solutions that cater for the numerous and demanding access control needs of the banking and finance industry, whilst respecting the need to provide full value for money and return on investment – excellence that has been utilized by ING Bank in Romania.

TDSi has supplied access control systems for 175 Offices of ING Bank in Romania, with 125 locations completed to date. Working with TDSi's Romanian partner Siel Invest and installer Helinick, the bank is using TDSi's Excel4 and MICROgarde II controllers to integrate not only the access control systems but also other building services such as fire control and climate controls through an IP connection, so these services can be administered centrally. All controllers link via an IP connection to TDSi's EXgarde PRO software, which manages the many aspects of building control and provides accurate recording of staff attendance. Overall TDSi's solutions give ING Bank Romania the ability to administer facilities management from a central location whilst ensuring each branch adheres to the full security and access control policies required for these highly secure locations.

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