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How Advanced Video Analytics are Used for Highways, Intersections, and Roads

In the post pandemic world, businesses are trying to adapt to the new norm – to become more automated and intelligent in order to reduce people contacts and save labor costs. In the transportation sector, to reduce traffic congestion, assist law enforcement, and improve business intelligence, particularly relies on the latest development in AI-assisted video analytics. partnered with ITS Taiwan to launch the webinar, 15:30PM – 17:00PM CST (UTC+8), on July 16th of 2020, to explore how video analytics is used for traffic management and road safety. Besides choosing the right video analytics, the webinar especially discussed what systems integrators/installers should know before, during, and after the implementation.

In the first session of the webinar, Mark Hsiao, VP of IISI & BOD of ITS Taiwan presented how advanced video analytics, like ALPR, are used for highways, intersections, and roads. 

Through this presentation, you will learn

  • What are the current problems in traffic and road safety? What is the ultimate goal that the government wants to achieve? 
  • How can smart cameras and advanced video analytics help? What are the common features and functions of those devices and software? 
  • What systems integrators should know before implementing the smart video for traffic and road safety? (e.g. how to properly install the video analytics? How to ensure the best performance) 

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