Product Profile
S3 Smart Surveillance System

S3 Smart Surveillance System

  • Supplier: MFNE
  • Region: Taiwan
  • Updated: 2006/12/11
Product Specifications
  • The increasing need for sophisticated surveillance systems and the move to digital surveillance infrastructure has transformed surveillance into a large scale data analysis and management challenge. Smart surveillance systems use automatic image understanding techniques to extract information from the surveillance data. While the majority of the research and commercial systems have focused on the information extraction aspect of the challenge, very few systems have explored the use of extracted information in the search, retrieval, data management and investigation context. The IBM smart surveillance system is one of the few advance surveillance systems which provides not only the capability to automatically monitor a scene but also the capability to manage the surveillance data, perform event based retrieval, receive real time event alerts thru standard web infrastructure and extract long term statistical patterns of activity. The IBM S3 is easily customized to the requirement of different applications by using an open-standards based architecture for surveillance.

    Smart Surveillance is the use of automatic video analytics to enhance effectiveness of surveillance systems. In this demo, they demonstrate a system which analyses activity in the monitored space in real time, and makes the events available for generating real time alerts and content based searching in real time. Section 2 of the paper describes the architecture of the system and the capabilities of the IBM Smart Surveillance System Release 1 (IBM S3-R1). Section 3 describes the demonstration that will be presented at the conference.This requires that the system allows integration of both analysis and retrieval software made by third parties and that the system be designed using approved standards and commercial off-theshelf (COTS) components. Users will be notified in real time upon the occurrence of certain selected events, for example when a large vehicle drives into the lot. Users will be able to retrieve a variety of events from the parking lot, for example all cars that arrived between 10 am and 11am. Users will be able to get the license plate at the entrance to a facility where it catalogs the license plate of each of the arriving and departing vehicles.


    *Standard Plug-in Interfaces

    *Extensible Meta-Data Interfaces

    *Real-time Alert Interfaces

    *Database Communication Interfaces

    *Analyses activity in the monitored space in real time

    For more information, please visit the company''s Website at